Health Care & Pharmacies

The Spanish healthcare system is widely envied across Europe, and for good reason. Hospitals, clinics and surgeries throughout the country are uniformly pretty good, delivering modern facilities, low waiting times and exceptional service, consultations, referrals and treatments. Due to budget cuts caused by the current economic crisis, the standards could vary in specific terms, but in general remain high.

Spain has an extensive public health service. There are healthcare centers even at the smallest villages in thecountry. All Spaniards get healthcare services for free. Tourists who are citizens of EU countries can also benefit from free health care if they hold the new EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), the card that is the replacement for the old E111 form.

However, all emergency services are provided to everyone, whatever their country of origin or the reasons they have come to Spain. Presentation of the EHIC guarantees reimbursement of the medical costs on the spot, or soon after returning home. The card is only valid for state provided services and not private hospitals or treatments.

Visitors to Andalucía should have holiday health insurance if they aren't covered by a reciprocal arrangement from their own country's system.

For routine medical consultation patients should go to an outpatients department nearby or a healthcare centre (both offer virtually the same medical services, although the former only has general practitioners, not specialists, and provides first-aid treatments). Specialists are available at the healthcare centers.

DoctorsThere are a great number of public and private hospitals, chemists' and ambulance services across the province. This means that Spaniards and visitors have access to qualified medical staff wherever they are, on coastal areas or at inland locations. Moreover, public hospitals are easily accessible.

Emergency phones are 061 or 112, the European emergency phone number that allows a caller to contact local emergency service for assistance. Languages spoken: Spanish, English, French and German.

On the plus side, the climate in Andalucía is therapeutic, particularly for sufferers of rheumatism and arthritis and those who are prone to bronchitis, colds and pneumonia. The slower pace of life, plus the siesta is also beneficial for those prone to stress. The climate and lifestyle has a noticeable effect on mental health with fewer cases of depression reported here (including those suffering from S.A.D.)

All of these might be the reason why Andalusian are among the world's healthiest people and have an average life expectancy of 85 for women and 78 for men, the highest in the EU. The incidence of heart disease is among the lowest in the world, a fact officially partly contributed to their diet which includes lots of garlic, olive oil and red wine.

More details on the Spanish Social Security System for employed, self-employed and retired people can find at:

Spanish Social Security System

Below you will find a list with information of the different hospitals and clinics in Málaga province:

  • For the northern part: The Antequera’s Hospital
  • For the north-western tip: The Serranía de Ronda Hospital
  • In Costa del Sol Occidental: The Costa del Sol Hospital, located in Marbella
  • Costa del Sol Oriental: Axarquía’s Hospital, in Vélez-Málaga.
  • In the central area, in Málaga City:
  • The namely “Infant Maternity Hospital”
  • The Civil Hospital Virgen de la Victoria (a.k.a. Universitary Clinic Hospital)
  • The Regional Carlos Haya Hospital

And to these ones we need to add:

  • The Maritime Hospital in Torremolinos
  • The High Resolution Hospital of Benalmádena
  • The UHD Hospital of Marbella USP
  • The C.P.E. Hospital of Marbella.

As Private Hospitals there are:

  • Clínica Gálvez
    Calle San Agustín, 2 - 29015 Málaga
    Tel.: 952 22 42 95 | Fax: 952 21 18 85 |
  • Quirón Clinic
    Av. De Imperio Argentina, 1-3 - 29004 Málaga
    Tel.: 902 44 88 55 | Fax: 952 17 61 20 |

In the link below, you can find the location of the health centers in Málaga province:

Centers in Málaga province


In this link you can locate pharmacies by choosing the location, their phone numbers and addresses:
Pharmacies in Málaga province

In this one you can locate which pharmacies are on call, by choosing the location:
Pharmacies are on call